# Peanut GB

Peanut GB is a Gameboy emulator. Do you want to play your original Game Boy cartridge on your NumWorks calculator? This is the app for you!

# How to get games

We can't provide you any games, because of legal reasons. However, you can download games from the internet easily. A search like "gameboy roms" should give you plenty of results.

You will need to add your rom as an external file. To do so, follow the instructions in the how to install guide.

# How to play

It’s quite obvious, given how the NumWorks’ keypad looks just like a Game Boy’s. Anyway, here’s a list of the bindings between the NumWorks’ keypad and the Game Boy’s:

Game Boy NumWorks
Arrow keys Arrow keys
A Back
Select Shift
Start Backspace

To modify the behavior of the emulator, you can use theses keys:

Key Action
1 Use the original game boy palette
2 Use a pure greyscale palette
3 Use an inverted greyscale palette
+ Render the screen in fullscreen
- Render the screen with the original aspect ratio

# Download

You can download the Peanut-GB app from this link:

# Installation

To install the Peanut-GB app, follow the instructions in the how to install guide.