# Playa

Playa is a video player for NumWorks! With this app, you can load a video on your calculator and play it!

# How to get videos

You can't use traditional video files. Instead, you need to convert your video to a sequence of images. An already converted video is called a available there (opens new window).

To convert a video, you can use the ffmpeg command line tool. Here is an example command assuming that your video is called input.mp4 in the current directory:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 \
  -vf scale=320:240,setsar=1:1,fps=15 \ # Resize video to 320x240@15fps
  -t 00:00:10 \ # Only keep the first ten second
  -vcodec mjpeg \ # Use the MJPEG codec

This command will convert your input.mp4 file into a output.mjpeg one. Then you can simply upload the playa.nwa along with the output.mjpeg video from NumWorks’ installer. See the how to install guide for more information.

# Download

You can download the Playa app from this link:

# Installation

To install the Playa app, follow the instructions in the how to install guide.